Hopewell Veterinary Hospital

As of January 1, 2024, Hopewell Veterinary Hospital will no longer be working directly with unaffiliated online pharmacies (Chewy, 1-800-petmeds, etc) to approve prescriptions. If you would like to purchase through one of these companies, please let us know and we will prepare a written prescription for you to pick up. For more information on this new policy, click here.
Preferred pharmacy options:
1. In-house pharmacy: Call (215-379-2536) or email (info@hopewellvet.com) with your request and we will let you know when it's ready to be picked up at Hopewell Vet Hospital!
2. Hopewell’s My Vet Store Online:
Price: Extremely competitive price with unaffiliated corporate stores (Chewy, 1800-petmeds, etc)
Free shipping to your home: All orders over $49
Promo code: HOPEWELL2024 for 10% off your first order of 2024
Whether you purchase your pet’s medication in-hospital or through our online pharmacy, you can be assured that you are using the highest quality medications for your pet.
Protect, prepare, & provide

Protect your pet against fleas, ticks, intestinal parasites, and heartworm.

Prescription Diets
Prepare the best nutritional diets for your pet to help with their care.

Prescription Medications
Provide the medications needed to help your pet live the best life.